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International Relations
of Russian State Hydrometeorological University

International Relations Office and Center for International Education are responsible for international activity in RSHU

Office phone: +7 812 633-01-96


The abstract submission deadline is 12 February 2016.
COSPAR – SCOSTEP Joint Session on Solar Terrestrial Physics, Friday -Saturday, 5 - 6 August 2016, room: TBD.

Solar Terrestrial Physics is an important topic that has serious
implications to life on Earth: Sun affects Earth over weather and
climate timescales. During the past decade, there has been heightened
focus on how the Sun affects Earth from funding agencies in many
countries. Solar terrestrial scientists use space and ground based
observations, theory and modeling to make progress. This added a wealth
of new knowledge and it is time to assess the progress made and identify
the gaps that persist. Discussion between COSPAR and SCOSTEP officials
transpired into a joint session to be organized during the 41st COSPAR
scientific assembly in Istanbul. The session will involve reviews of
recent progress in the SCOSTEP scientific disciplines and the relevant
COSPAR commissions. There will be panel discussion on capacity building
and public outreach. The speakers in the session will be drawn from
SCOSTEP disciplines and COSPAR commissions. Each talk will have three
elements: (1) state of the field, (2) knowledge gap, and (3) future
directions including observing tools and modeling.

MSO: Nat Gopalswamy (SCOSTEP), DSO: Len Fisk (COSPAR)

Organizing Committee: Katya Georgieva, Kazuo Shiokawa, Franz-⁠Josef
Luebken, Vladimir Obridko, Jie Zhang, Craig Rodger
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